I've started the process of writing a book. It's about transitioning from a basic block pattern (like the Maple Leaf) to a more abstract art quilt. I'm writing this book with my good friend Michele O'Neil Kincaid. We have already sent a proposal to a publisher!
We are currently moving forward making samples and we're setting up teaching venues for this book as well.
I will be teaching a 4 week "Make an Art Quilt" class at the League of NH Craftsmen in Hanover, NH.
Sundays, April 28 - May 19th from 1-3 pm.
Call Crafts Studies at 1 603 643 5384 to sign up.
then cutting, designing, playing to make the top.
then squaring up, adding last embellishments and sandwiching it.
Finally, quilting and binding it.